Inner Seasons is a family run business based in the UK, established in 2015. Producing quality products and services to help you live in harmony with the natural cycles is something we take great pride in. We use eco-friendly materials wherever possible in our products and packaging.

About Samjhana Moon
Founder and Director
Samjhana is a visionary photographer, land artist and medicine woman who empowers women to connect with their cyclical nature and discover their true feminine radiance. She guides you to align with the Inner Seasons of your menstrual cycle, to manifest with the Moon phases, and to explore the archetypes of the feminine so you can reach your full creative potential. In the past decade Samjhana has guided hundreds of women to deepen in self-love through her lens on an insightful photographic journey in nature. Her ability to see a person’s soul and capture their unique beauty on camera has helped many women transition from self-critical to self-confident, and supported their personal, professional and spiritual growth.
Samjhana is devoted to offering an alternative lens for women that challenges the media’s distorted projection of beauty and releases the taboo around menstruation. She is founder of Sacred Feminine Photography and co-creator of the World’s first moon and menstruation clock along with a range of beautiful tools to support and guide your menstrual cycle adventures.
Samjhana was People’s Choice Speaker for TEDx Totnes in 2015. Watch her talk here: http://j.mp/TedxMoon
Samjhana’s story – From Period Pain to Period Pleasure
“Living in harmony with my menstrual cycle over the last 10 years, I’ve learned that making period peace isn’t about mastery or control, it’s about committing to a new relationship with our body: becoming educated about how our hormones affect our body and brain chemistry and being mindful of our daily internal weather patterns so that we can respond to them with tenderness and wisdom.
In my teens I suffered unbearably painful periods and was prescribed the contraceptive pill to suppress my cycle for 18 years. This never felt like a healthy solution and I had many failed attempts to come off it, until I discovered the work of Alexandra Pope. I was so relieved; her book The Wild Genie meant I could finally begin my healing journey. With the help of many menstrual educators I’ve completely transformed my relationship with my monthly bleed and my symptoms today are only a little tenderness and tiredness.
Painful and/or irregular periods are extremely common and are often a sign that your hormones and lifestyle are out of balance. If you suffer with severe symptoms, then I can truly empathise. I can also say with confidence that you can move past this; period pain is an option. Being mindful of the energetics of the whole cycle is the first step towards your healing. I believe that our cyclic nature is a potent personal development tool that empowers us to walk our own path, create a lifestyle that we love and make a unique contribution to the world that promotes positive change.
I’m not a qualified doctor, nurse, nutritionist or practitioner; I’m a visionary artist and mentor with a deep love of nature and the wild. I use my photographic art to transform perspectives, working with nature’s elements to inspire connection and awaken people to the wonder of the life-giving force that lives within us all. My intention with Inner Seasons is to provide tools that complement the work of many great authors of Moon and menstruation. Natural solutions are circulating in the growing sisterhood around the world; a sisterhood of women who are committed to becoming fluent in the language of our bodies and living in alignment with our natural rhythm.”
Samjhana’s services include:
- One-to-One Mentoring
- Luxury one-to-one retreats for Women
- The Sacred Feminine Photography Experience
- Online Classes and Workshops – Coming Soon!